Southern California Dachshund Relief Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Corp that has been rescuing needy dachshunds around Southern, Central and Northern California since 1994! Please help us on our mission to find our rescues forever homes!

We have been doing rescue for over 27 years and have rescued 5,000 dachshunds and counting!

Shop the SCDR Store!

A donation to SCDR is made with every purchase!

Shop Ms. Dimple Jewelry!

A donation to SCDR is made with every purchase!

The Wine Country Wiener Fest was a huge success!

On April 28, 2024, hundreds of people and their beloved dachshunds descended on Mount Palomar Winery in Temecula, CA, for the Wine Country Wiener Fest. Over 130 dachshunds signed up for the dachshund races alone! There was good food, a good variety of vendors, and of course the wine tasting was wonderful too! We'll definitely be back again next year!

Check back with us to stay up-to-date with our events!

Thank You So Much for Your Kindness and Generosity!

These dogs are only a few of the many dogs your donations helped save last year!



For the last 27 years Southern California Dachshund Relief has been tirelessly devoted to saving not only doxie lives, but many other dog lives as well. SCDR resources are also used to help other rescue dogs that are not counted with our adoptions. We provide transportation, needed medical care, the best foster homes any rescue could ask for, and our team is a unique blend of dog-centric humans that make it all work. All of the hard work put in by our Director, CFO, volunteers, fosters, and transporters, have built an efficient and committed organization with a stellar record of successful adoptions.


click here to donate! ——>

<——click here to donate!

Is a Rescue Dachshund Right For You?

Luke is happy all the time, and very loyal to his mom!

Luke is happy all the time, and very loyal to his mom!

Dachshunds are such fun dogs. They are loyal, loving, security conscious, super cute, and extremely entertaining to watch do their thing. With some basic training and socialization skills dachshunds make absolutely wonderful pets! Just ask any dachshund owner you happen to meet.

Dachshunds are officially two sizes - mini (under 11 lbs) and standard (over 16 lbs). Unofficially, dachshunds over 11 lbs and under 16 lbs are called “tweenies”. Dachshunds can be long or short hair, wire hair, and a variety of colors and patterns. Dachshunds with shorter legs and longer backs are at higher risk of back injury so should always be dissuaded from jumping on and off furniture and using stairs (one or two stairs is OK for healthy doxies). Like most young dogs, young dachshunds can have lots of energy and are very curious . Because dachshunds were bred as badger hunters they are diggers by nature. Yards to play in are also yards to dig in. If a dachshund puppy is adopted, as cute as they are, expect to have have a few personal items chewed to pieces at some point. And a few potty accidents. That’s just what puppies do.

Coco is blind so likes to pretend she’s menacing. (Blind dogs are as capable as sighted dogs. Sometimes you can’t even tell a dog is blind)

Coco is blind so likes to pretend she’s menacing.
(Blind dogs are as capable as sighted dogs. Sometimes you can’t even tell a dog is blind)

Rescue dachshunds can be shy and timid when arriving in a new home. Especially adults. It’s important to be very patient when they first arrive. Let the dog guide how much love and attention it’s ready to receive. It may not eat or be friendly at first, but will eventually settle in. Once settled in, there is no such thing as too much love and attention! And that’s also when formal training can be implemented. If you’re not sure how to train your dog, there are many good websites, books, and videos to learn from. It’s really not as hard as people think to train your dog with the basics. Taking your dog to training or hiring a trainer is even better. And remember, dogs don’t think like humans; so don’t expect them to.

Like any pet, dachshunds are live animals. It’s possible they will have accidents in the house. It’s possible they will get sick and need medical attention. It will cost money to feed and house them. Be sure you’re willing to commit to and accept everything that comes with being a dachshund parent before adopting. All dachshund owners know there will be rare occasions being a dachshund owner is not easy, but it’s oh so worth it the rest of the time!

SCDR is a 501(c)(3) non-profit operating entirely on donations and with volunteers.  All donations, big or small, help take care of these wonderful dogs.

If you prefer to use a check or money order, please make them payable to "SCDR", and mail to:
So. Cal. Dachshund Relief, Inc.
P. O. Box 2634
La Habra, CA  90631.

many happy families made possible by your generous donations:

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Page last updated:03/21/25